ARISEN, Book Ten - The Flood

Time to Read
5 hrs 41 mins

Reading Time

5 hrs 41 mins

How long to read ARISEN, Book Ten - The Flood?

The estimated word count of ARISEN, Book Ten - The Flood is 85,095 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 5 hrs 41 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 9 hrs 28 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 3 hrs 10 mins.

ARISEN, Book Ten - The Flood - 85,095 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 9 hrs 28 mins
Average 250 words/min 5 hrs 41 mins
Fast 450 words/min 3 hrs 10 mins

More about ARISEN, Book Ten - The Flood

85,095 words

Word Count

for ARISEN, Book Ten - The Flood

400 pages

Paperback: 400 pages
Kindle: 402 pages

9 hours and 9 minutes

Audiobook length


Readers call the ARISEN series: "by far the best damn series of books ever written" ... "the master class of this genre" ... "Fast moving and exciting as hell with a ton of humanity to make you tear up" ... "Absolute thrill ride. Best in this genre by far" ... "Blows World War Z out of the water" ... "a knock down drag out kick ass read - the best ZA book series around, period" ... "terrifying, heroic, and tragic" ... "totally stunning in its originality" ... "thoroughly engrossing, taking you on a wild ride through utter devastation" ... "the best I have ever read in apocalypse fiction of any kind" ... "Riveting. Full of horror and beauty" ... "a jet-pack-strapped-to-your-back thrilling journey of the most epic proportions" ... "The only downside is that each book is not 10,000 pages." ARISEN, Book Ten - The Flood is now an Amazon Top 100 overall bestseller (#62) as well as #1 in War and Military and #2 in Dystopian. ARISEN Hope Never Dies LONDON UNDER SIEGE With the tide of dead lapping at the walls of London, Major Jameson must decide whether to roll the dice and lead One Troop on a desperate mission into the fallen Russian Empire, to retrieve a designer pathogen so lethal it even kills the dead... CHAOS ON SHORE Miles over his head and on the precipice of failure and extinction, Wesley must lead an overmatched and under-equipped shore team through biblical fire and flood, to salvage any hope of completing the vaccine in time to save humanity... AFRICA DEVOURS On their final mission, a unified Alpha team fights for the ultimate fate of the world - and for their very survival, trapped at ground zero of the fall of Man, inundated by a deluge of never-before-imagined threats, and knowing that failure in their mission means extinction for the species... Desperation. Heroism. Survival. THE FLOOD Read more