City of a Thousand Gates: A Novel

Time to Read
8 hrs 13 mins

Reading Time

8 hrs 13 mins

How long to read City of a Thousand Gates: A Novel?

The estimated word count of City of a Thousand Gates: A Novel is 123,225 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 8 hrs 13 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 13 hrs 42 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 4 hrs 34 mins.

City of a Thousand Gates: A Novel - 123,225 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 13 hrs 42 mins
Average 250 words/min 8 hrs 13 mins
Fast 450 words/min 4 hrs 34 mins
City of a Thousand Gates: A Novel by Rebecca Sacks
Rebecca Sacks

More about City of a Thousand Gates: A Novel

123,225 words

Word Count

for City of a Thousand Gates: A Novel

400 pages

Hardcover: 400 pages
Kindle: 400 pages

13 hours and 15 minutes

Audiobook length


A novel of great humanity, compassion, and astonishing immediacy, this inventive and unique debut captures the emotional reality of contemporary life in the West Bank and the irreconcilable Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a collage of narrative voices and different viewpoints centered on a particular set of events.Brave and bold, this gorgeously written novel introduces a large cast of characters from various backgrounds in a setting where violence is routine and where survival is defined by boundaries, walls, and checkpoints that force people to live and love within and across them.Hamid, a college student, has entered Israeli territory illegally for work. Rushing past soldiers, he bumps into Vera, a German journalist headed to Jerusalem to cover the story of Salem, a Palestinian boy beaten into a coma by a group of revenge-seeking Israeli teenagers. On her way to the hospital, Vera runs in front of a car that barely avoids hitting her. The driver is Ido, a new father traveling with his American wife and their baby. Ido is distracted by thoughts of a young Jewish girl murdered by a terrorist who infiltrated her settlement. Ori, a nineteen-year-old soldier from a nearby settlement, is guarding the checkpoint between Bethlehem and Jerusalem through which Samar—Hamid’s professor—must pass. These multiple strands open this magnificent and haunting novel of present-day Israel and Palestine, following each of these diverse characters as they try to protect what they love. Their interwoven stories reveal complicated, painful truths about life in this conflicted land steeped in hope, love, hatred, terror, and blood on both sides.City of a Thousand Gates brilliantly evokes the universal drives that motivate these individuals to think and act as they do—desires for security, for freedom, for dignity, for the future of one’s children, for land that each of us, no matter who or where we are, recognize and share.