Dying for Dinner (A Cooking Class Mystery Book 4)

Reading Level
18 years and up

Reading Level

What age is Dying for Dinner suitable for ?

Readers of age 18 years and up will enjoy Dying for Dinner .

More about Dying for Dinner

276 pages

Kindle: 276 pages


Things are really cooking for Annie with her transition to the restaurant biz, full-time. But what’s meant to be the first day of the rest of her life might be the last day of someone else’s…   Annie is finally leaving the safety of her old bank job to work at her boyfriend Jim’s restaurant, Bellywasher’s. Lucky for Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, she’s working safely away from the flames this time as a manager. And lucky for Annie, she’s even closer to her best friend Eve, the hostess.   Things start taking a turn for the worse when Jim’s old friend, legendary cook Jacques Lavoie, doesn’t show up to teach their class. When Annie goes to fetch him she finds his assistant dead and Lavoie nowhere to be found. With mounting evidence against him and his odd disappearance, it looks like the cook has really landed in the soup. And now Annie must sift through every morsel of evidence before someone else gets served their last course. Read more