Empire of Ivory: A Novel of Temeraire

Time to Read
6 hrs 53 mins

Reading Time

6 hrs 53 mins

How long to read Empire of Ivory: A Novel of Temeraire?

The estimated word count of Empire of Ivory: A Novel of Temeraire is 103,230 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 6 hrs 53 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 11 hrs 29 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 3 hrs 50 mins.

Empire of Ivory: A Novel of Temeraire - 103,230 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 11 hrs 29 mins
Average 250 words/min 6 hrs 53 mins
Fast 450 words/min 3 hrs 50 mins

More about Empire of Ivory: A Novel of Temeraire

103,230 words

Word Count

for Empire of Ivory: A Novel of Temeraire

384 pages

Paperback: 384 pages
Kindle: 402 pages

11 hours and 6 minutes

Audiobook length


From the New York Times bestselling author of A Deadly Education comes the fourth volume of the Temeraire series, as the Napoleonic Wars bring Will Laurence and Temeraire to Africa in search of aid.“Temeraire is a dragon for the ages.”—Terry BrooksTragedy has struck His Majesty's Aerial Corps, whose magnificent fleet of fighting dragons and their human captains valiantly defends England’s shores against the encroaching armies of Napoleon Bonaparte. An epidemic of unknown origin and no known cure is decimating the noble dragons’ ranks—forcing the hopelessly stricken into quarantine. Now only Temeraire and a pack of newly recruited dragons remain uninfected—and stand as the only means of an airborne defense against France's ever bolder sorties.Bonaparte’s dragons are already harrowing Britain’s ships at sea. Only one recourse remains: Temeraire and his captain, Will Laurence, must take wing to Africa, whose shores may hold the cure for the mysterious and deadly contagion. On this mission there is no time to waste, and no telling whatDon’t miss any of Naomi Novik’s magical Temeraire seriesHIS MAJESTY’S DRAGON • THRONE OF JADE • BLACK POWDER WAR • EMPIRE OF IVORY • VICTORY OF EAGLES • TONGUES OF SERPENTS • CRUCIBLE OF GOLD • BLOOD OF TYRANTS • LEAGUE OF DRAGONS Read more