Fortune and Glory: A Novel

Time to Read
4 hrs 21 mins

Reading Time

4 hrs 21 mins

How long to read Fortune and Glory: A Novel?

The estimated word count of Fortune and Glory: A Novel is 65,100 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 4 hrs 21 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 7 hrs 14 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 2 hrs 25 mins.

Fortune and Glory: A Novel - 65,100 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 7 hrs 14 mins
Average 250 words/min 4 hrs 21 mins
Fast 450 words/min 2 hrs 25 mins
Fortune and Glory: A Novel by Janet Evanovich
Janet Evanovich

More about Fortune and Glory: A Novel

65,100 words

Word Count

for Fortune and Glory: A Novel

320 pages

Hardcover: 320 pages
Kindle: 320 pages

7 hours

Audiobook length


The twenty-seventh entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling series isn’t just the biggest case of Stephanie Plum’s career. It’s the adventure of a lifetime.When Stephanie’s beloved Grandma Mazur's new husband died on their wedding night, the only thing he left her was a beat-up old easy chair…and the keys to a life-changing fortune. But as Stephanie and Grandma Mazur search for Jimmy Rosolli’s treasure, they discover that they’re not the only ones on the hunt. Two dangerous enemies from the past stand in their way—along with a new adversary who’s even more formidable: Gabriela Rose, a dark-eyed beauty from Little Havana with a taste for designer clothes. She’s also a soldier of fortune, a gourmet cook, an expert in firearms and mixed martial arts—and someone who’s about to give Stephanie a real run for her money. Stephanie may be in over her head, but she’s got two things that Gabriela doesn’t: an unbreakable bond with her family and a stubborn streak that will never let her quit. She’ll need both to survive because this search for “fortune and glory” will turn into a desperate race against time with more on the line than ever before. Because even as she searches for the treasure and fights to protect her Grandma Mazur, her own deepest feelings will be tested—as Stephanie could finally be forced to choose between Joe Morelli and Ranger.