Grass For His Pillow: Tales of Otori, Book Two (Tales of the Otori 2)

Reading Level
18 years and up
Time to Read
5 hrs 51 mins

Reading Level

What age is Grass For His Pillow: Tales of Otori, Book Two suitable for ?

Readers of age 18 years and up will enjoy Grass For His Pillow: Tales of Otori, Book Two .

Reading Time

5 hrs 51 mins

How long to read Grass For His Pillow: Tales of Otori, Book Two (Tales of the Otori 2)?

The estimated word count of Grass For His Pillow: Tales of Otori, Book Two (Tales of the Otori 2) is 87,575 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 5 hrs 51 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 9 hrs 44 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 3 hrs 15 mins.

Grass For His Pillow: Tales of Otori, Book Two (Tales of the Otori 2) - 87,575 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 9 hrs 44 mins
Average 250 words/min 5 hrs 51 mins
Fast 450 words/min 3 hrs 15 mins

More about Grass For His Pillow: Tales of Otori, Book Two

87,575 words

Word Count

for Grass For His Pillow: Tales of Otori, Book Two (Tales of the Otori 2)

320 pages

Hardcover: 320 pages
Kindle: 336 pages

9 hours and 25 minutes

Audiobook length


Book II of the internationally bestselling phenomenon Tales of the Otori trilogy, Grass for His Pillow returns us to a mythical, medieval Japan, in a story of clashing powers, divided loyalties, and passionate love played out on a dazzling landscape. A New York Times Notable Book of the Year, one of Book magazine's best novels of the year, and one of School Library Journal's Best Adult Books for High School Readers (2002), Across the Nightingale Floor was an international bestseller and critical success, named "the most compelling novel to have been published this year" by the Times (London). In this second tale, we return to the land of harsh beauty and deceptive appearances where we first met Takeo-the young orphan taken up by the Otori Lord and now a closely held member of the Tribe-and his beloved Shirakawa Kaede, heir to the Maruyama and alone in the world, who must find a way to unify the domain she has inherited. In a complex social hierarchy, amid dissembling clans and fractured allegiances, there is no place for passionate young love. Yet Takeo and Kaede, drawing on their unusual talents and hidden strengths, must make their way in this tale of longing, ambition, and intrigue. Grass for His Pillow is a tantalizing next installment in a brilliantly imaginative and critically acclaimed series. Read more