His Every Touch (Book 4 - Final)

More about His Every Touch

37 pages

Kindle: 37 pages


Description: During a meeting with an old friend, Courtney discovers Vance’s terrible secret. Had everything between them been a lie? Feeling betrayed and humiliated by the man she thought she loved, she must make a decision when Vance arrives at her doorstep ready to tell her everything.Excerpt:She couldn't imagine being with anyone else. Not in this way. Not in anyway. She shook her head. “No. I don't want this with anyone else. Only with him. I only want him.”“Then.” Maggie drained her glass. “I guess that means you're in love with him.”“Fuck,” Courtney breathed. “I'm in love with Vance Forster.”“What?” Maggie bolted upright, the expression on her face one of shock. “Did you just say Vance Forster?”“I know.” Courtney hurried to cover her mistake. She hadn't meant to tell Maggie his name, though she supposed it would've come out sooner or later. “He's the CEO...”“Fuck that.” Maggie cut in. “It's Vance Forster.”“Yeah?” Now Courtney was confused. Maggie was saying the name like it meant something more.Maggie furrowed her eyebrows. “You don't remember him.” Read more