In Too Deep (Forever And Ever Book 32)

More about In Too Deep

221 pages

Kindle: 221 pages


Cayson and Skye enjoy their honeymoon, but when they return home, both of their hearts are heavy. Cayson will leave in a few days and Skye is beginning to break down in grief. Will Cayson really leave? Or will Skye ask him to stay? Clementine and Ward are enjoying the new addition to their family, but what happens when they need some alone time? Slade has auditions for a new guitarist for his band. He finds the perfect person who plays guitar better than he does and has even better vocals. But she’s a girl. Will he give her the gig? Or will Trinity not allow him to? Macy continues to pursue Conrad and doesn’t let up. Conrad keeps this knowledge to himself because he fears Lexie will get the wrong idea. But what happens when Macy arrives at Conrad’s office, just moments before Lexie shows up? Read more