Kiss Me There (Forever and Ever #50)

More about Kiss Me There

194 pages

Kindle: 194 pages


Silke has her first art exposition and the self-doubt is getting the best of her. Unsure how the night will turn out, she constantly walks on eggshells. And when an unexpected guest arrives, she’s even more uneasy. Slade films his first music video, but the director insists on hiring a hot supermodel to play his love interest on screen. Will Slade go for it? Or will he have another plan in mind? Trinity receives an unexpected visitor in her office. While nothing harmful comes to pass, she can’t shake off the feeling that’s settled in her bones. Is the past really behind her? Or was that just the beginning? Roland and Heath enjoy their honeymoon in Switzerland, but the bliss comes to a halt when Roland notices something that he can’t ignore. Read more