Lone Jack Trail

Time to Read
5 hrs 45 mins

Reading Time

5 hrs 45 mins

How long to read Lone Jack Trail?

The estimated word count of Lone Jack Trail is 86,180 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 5 hrs 45 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 9 hrs 35 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 3 hrs 12 mins.

Lone Jack Trail - 86,180 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 9 hrs 35 mins
Average 250 words/min 5 hrs 45 mins
Fast 450 words/min 3 hrs 12 mins
Lone Jack Trail by Owen Laukkanen
Owen Laukkanen

More about Lone Jack Trail

86,180 words

Word Count

for Lone Jack Trail

336 pages

Hardcover: 336 pages
Kindle: 336 pages

9 hours and 16 minutes

Audiobook length


A veteran Marine and an ex-convict find themselves on opposite sides of the law in this propulsive new thriller from award-nominated suspense master and "damn fine storyteller" Owen Laukkanen (Kirkus Reviews).Could your closest friend be a killer? When a body washes up outside Deception Cove, Washington, Jess Winslow-once a US Marine, now a trainee sheriff's deputy-is assigned to investigate. But when she realizes it's "Bad" Brock Boyd, a hometown celebrity lately fallen from grace, things become complicated. The last person seen with Boyd was her own boyfriend, Mason Burke. An ex-convict and newcomer in town, Mason is one of the only people who can understand Jess's haunting memories of her time in Afghanistan-and her love for Lucy, her devoted service dog. Finding one another in Deception Cove has been the best thing to happen to either of them in years. So Jess knows Mason could never be guilty of murder-doesn't she? As the facts of the case point ever more squarely at Mason, Jess must face that everything she thinks she knows about him might be wrong. A thrilling sequel to Deception Cove, and a heart-pounding adventure all its own, Lone Jack Trail pushes Jess and Mason to a shocking confrontation and will test everything they've come to love and trust in Deception Cove.