Mrs Bradshaw's Handbook: To Travelling Upon the Ankh-Morpork & Sto Plains Hygienic Railway (Discworld)

Time to Read
1 hrs 48 mins

Reading Time

1 hrs 48 mins

How long to read Mrs Bradshaw's Handbook: To Travelling Upon the Ankh-Morpork & Sto Plains Hygienic Railway (Discworld)?

The estimated word count of Mrs Bradshaw's Handbook: To Travelling Upon the Ankh-Morpork & Sto Plains Hygienic Railway (Discworld) is 26,970 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 1 hrs 48 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 3 hrs. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 1 hrs.

Mrs Bradshaw's Handbook: To Travelling Upon the Ankh-Morpork & Sto Plains Hygienic Railway (Discworld) - 26,970 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 3 hrs
Average 250 words/min 1 hrs 48 mins
Fast 450 words/min 1 hrs

More about Mrs Bradshaw's Handbook: To Travelling Upon the Ankh-Morpork & Sto Plains Hygienic Railway

26,970 words

Word Count

for Mrs Bradshaw's Handbook: To Travelling Upon the Ankh-Morpork & Sto Plains Hygienic Railway (Discworld)

144 pages

Hardcover: 144 pages

2 hours and 54 minutes

Audiobook length


A Discworld artefact -- Georgina Bradshaw's guide to the railways of Raising Steam.      Authorised by Mr. Lipwig of the Ankh-Morpork and Sto Plains Hygienic Railway himself, Mrs. Georgina Bradshaw's invaluable guide to the destinations and diversions of the railway deserves a place in the luggage of any traveller, or indeed armchair traveller, upon the Disc.     Mrs. Bradshaw has travelled the length of the great permanent way to Quirm, Sto Lat and even as far as Ohulan Cutash, investigating the most edifying sights, respectable lodgings and essential hints on the practicalities of travel upon the wonder of the age. Sample the delights of Dimmuck, the pleasures of Little Swelling, the charm of Shankydoodle, and enough cabbage in all its many quises to satisfy the keenest brassica connoisseur.         • Beautifully produced gift-sized hardcover with black and white illustrations throughout. Read more