Naamah's Blessing (Moirin's Trilogy Book 3)

Time to Read
12 hrs 44 mins

Reading Time

12 hrs 44 mins

How long to read Naamah's Blessing (Moirin's Trilogy Book 3)?

The estimated word count of Naamah's Blessing (Moirin's Trilogy Book 3) is 190,960 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 12 hrs 44 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 21 hrs 14 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 7 hrs 5 mins.

Naamah's Blessing (Moirin's Trilogy Book 3) - 190,960 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 21 hrs 14 mins
Average 250 words/min 12 hrs 44 mins
Fast 450 words/min 7 hrs 5 mins

More about Naamah's Blessing

190,960 words

Word Count

for Naamah's Blessing (Moirin's Trilogy Book 3)

624 pages

Hardcover: 624 pages
Kindle: 696 pages

20 hours and 32 minutes

Audiobook length


Returning to Terre d'Ange, Moirin finds the royal family broken. Wracked by unrelenting grief at the loss of his wife, Queen Jehanne, King Daniel is unable to rule. Prince Thierry, leading an expedition to explore the deadly jungles of Terra Nova, is halfway across the world. And three year old Desirée is a vision of her mother: tempestuous, intelligent, and fiery, but desperately lonely, and a vulnerable pawn in a game of shifting political allegiances. As tensions mount, King Daniel asks that Moirin become Desirée's oath-sworn protector. Navigating the intricate political landscape of the Court proves a difficult challenge, and when dire news arrives from overseas, the spirit of Queen Jehanne visits Moirin in a dream and bids her undertake an impossible quest. Another specter from the past also haunts Moirin. Travelling with Thierry in the New World is Raphael de Mereliot, her manipulative former lover. Years ago, Raphael forced her to help him summon fallen angels in the hopes of acquiring mystical gifts and knowledge. It was a disastrous effort that nearly killed them, and Moirin must finally bear the costs of those bitter mistakes. Read more