A Dead-End Job Mystery Series

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How many books are in A Dead-End Job Mystery Series ?

There are 15 books in A Dead-End Job Mystery Series and there are 1 ancillary books in related to this series .

Reading Level

What is the reading level of A Dead-End Job Mystery Series?

Analysing the books in the series, we estimate that the reading level of A Dead-End Job Mystery Series is Grade 4.

The easiest book in the series is Pumped for Murder (A Dead-End Job Mystery Book 10) at 3rd and 4th grade reading level.

The hardest book in the series is Killer Cuts (A Dead-End Job Mystery Book 8) at 6th and 7th grade reading level.

A Dead-End Job Mystery Series - Books Reading Level

Reading Time

82 hrs 31 mins

How long to read A Dead-End Job Mystery Series?

The estimated word count of A Dead-End Job Mystery Series is 1,237,597 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the series in 82 hrs 31 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 137 hrs 31 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 45 hrs 51 mins.

A Dead-End Job Mystery Series - 1,237,597 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 137 hrs 31 mins
Average 250 words/min 82 hrs 31 mins
Fast 450 words/min 45 hrs 51 mins

1,237,597 words

Word Count

for A Dead-End Job Mystery Series

133 hrs 4 mins

Audiobook Length

of A Dead-End Job Mystery Series

A Dead-End Job Mystery Series - Main Books

A Dead-End Job Mystery Series - Other Books


The Dead-End Job mysteries feature Helen Hawthorne, on the run from her ex-husband, living and working in south Florida.

Other series related to A Dead-End Job Mystery Series are Josie Marcus, Mystery Shopper , Angela Richman, Death Investigator and Francesca Vierling Mystery .