A Shade of Vampire Series

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How many books are in A Shade of Vampire Series ?

There are 92 books in A Shade of Vampire Series.

List of Books in A Shade of Vampire Series

  1. A Shade of Vampire
  2. A Shade of Blood
  3. A Castle of Sand
  4. A Shadow of Light
  5. A Blaze of Sun
  6. A Gate of Night
  7. A Break of Day
  8. A Shade of Novak
  9. A Bond of Blood
  10. A Spell of Time
  11. A Chase of Prey
  12. A Shade of Doubt
  13. A Turn of Tides
  14. A Dawn of Strength
  15. A Fall of Secrets
  16. An End of Night
  17. A Wind of Change
  18. A Trail of Echoes
  19. A Soldier of Shadows
  20. A Hero of Realms
  21. A Vial of Life
  22. A Fork of Paths
  23. A Flight of Souls
  24. A Bridge of Stars
  25. A Clan of Novaks
  26. A World of New
  27. A Web of Lies
  28. A Touch of Truth
  29. An Hour of Need
  30. A Game of Risk
  31. A Twist of Fates
  32. A Day of Glory
  33. A Dawn of Guardians
  34. A Sword of Chance
  35. A Race of Trials
  36. A King of Shadow
  37. An Empire of Stones
  38. A Power of Old
  39. A Rip of Realms
  40. A Throne of Fire
  41. A Tide of War
  42. A Gift of Three
  43. A House of Mysteries
  44. A Tangle of Hearts
  45. A Meet of Tribes
  46. A Ride of Peril
  47. A Passage of Threats
  48. A Tip of Balance
  49. A Shield of Glass
  50. A Clash of Storms
  51. A Call of Vampires
  52. A Valley of Darkness
  53. A Hunt of Fiends
  54. A Den of Tricks
  55. A City of Lies
  56. A League of Exiles
  57. A Charge of Allies
  58. A Snare of Vengeance
  59. A Battle of Souls
  60. A Voyage of Founders
  61. A Land of Perfects
  62. A Citadel of Captives
  63. A Jungle of Rogues
  64. A Camp of Savages
  65. A Plague of Deceit
  66. An Edge of Malice
  67. A Dome of Blood
  68. A Purge of Nature
  69. A Birth of Fire
  70. A Breed of Elements
  71. A Sacrifice of Flames
  72. A Conspiracy of Realms
  73. A Search for Death
  74. A Piece of Scythe
  75. A Blade of Thieron
  76. A Phantom of Truth
  77. A Fate of Time
  78. An Origin of Vampires
  79. A Game of Death
  80. A Veil of Dark
  81. A Bringer of Night
  82. A Circle of Nine
  83. A Bender of Spirit
  84. A Memory of Time
  85. A Shard of Soul
  86. A Break of Seals
  87. A Shade of Mystery
  88. An Isle of Mirrors
  89. A Sanctuary of Foes
  90. A Ruler of Clones
  91. A Gate of Light
  92. A Dawn of Worlds

Reading Level

What is the reading level of A Shade of Vampire Series?

Analysing the books in the series, we estimate that the reading level of A Shade of Vampire Series is Grade 8.

A Shade of Vampire Series - Books Reading Level

Reading Time

310 hrs 53 mins

How long to read A Shade of Vampire Series?

The estimated word count of A Shade of Vampire Series is 4,663,020 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the series in 310 hrs 53 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 518 hrs 7 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 172 hrs 43 mins.

A Shade of Vampire Series - 4,663,020 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 518 hrs 7 mins
Average 250 words/min 310 hrs 53 mins
Fast 450 words/min 172 hrs 43 mins

4,663,020 words

Word Count

for A Shade of Vampire Series

501 hrs 24 mins

Audiobook Length

of A Shade of Vampire Series

A Shade of Vampire Series - Main Books


This series has a spinoff series with a whole new storyline: A Shade of Kiev . Sub-stories/arcs within the series : 1. Derek & Sofia's story (Books 1-7) 2. Rose & Caleb's story (Books 8-16) 3. The Shade continues with a new hero (Books 17-24) 4. A Clan of Novaks (Books 25-32) 5. A Dawn of Guardians (Books 33-41) 6. A Gift of Three (Books 42-50) 7.

Other series related to A Shade of Vampire Series are The Gender Game , Harley Merlin , The Girl Who Dared and Darklight .