Beast Quest Series

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How many books are in Beast Quest Series ?

There are 82 books in Beast Quest Series.

List of Books in Beast Quest Series

  1. Ferno the Fire Dragon
  2. Sepron The Sea Serpent
  3. Cypher the Mountain Giant
  4. Tagus the Night Horse
  5. Tartok The Ice Beast
  6. Epos The Winged Flame
  7. Zepha The Monster Squid
  8. Claw the Giant Ape
  9. Soltra The Stone Charmer
  10. Vipero The Snake Man
  11. Arachnid The Spider King
  12. Trillion The Three-Headed Lion
  13. Torgor The Minotaur
  14. Skor the Winged Stallion
  15. Narga the Sea Monster
  16. Kaymon The Gorgon Hound
  17. Tusk the Mighty Mammoth
  18. Sting the Scorpion Man
  19. Nixa the Death Bringer
  20. Equinus the Spirit Horse
  21. Rashouk the Cave Troll
  22. Luna the Moon Wolf
  23. Blaze The Ice Dragon
  24. Stealth the Ghost Panther
  25. Krabb Master of the Sea
  26. Hawkite Arrow of the Air
  27. Rokk the Walking Mountain
  28. Koldo The Arctic Warrior
  29. Trema the Earth Lord
  30. Amictus The Bug Queen
  31. Komodo the Lizard King
  32. Muro the Rat Monster
  33. Fang the Bat Fiend
  34. Murk the Swamp Man
  35. Terra: Curse of the Forest
  36. Vespick The Wasp Queen
  37. Convol the Cold-blooded Brute
  38. Hellion The Fiery Foe
  39. Krestor the Crushing Terror
  40. Madara the Midnight Warrior
  41. Ellik the Lightning Horror
  42. Carnivora the Winged Scavenger
  43. Balisk the Water Snake
  44. Koron, Jaws of Death
  45. Hecton the Body Snatcher
  46. Torno the Hurricane Dragon
  47. Kronus the Clawed Menace
  48. Bloodboar the Buried Doom
  49. Ursus the Clawed Roar
  50. Minos the Demon Bull
  51. Koraka the Winged Assassin
  52. Silver the Wild Terror
  53. Spikefin the Water King
  54. Torpix the Twisting Serpent
  55. Noctila the Death Owl
  56. Shamani the Raging Flame
  57. Lustor The Acid Dart
  58. Voltrex the Two-Headed Octopus
  59. Tecton the Armoured Giant
  60. Doomskull the King of Fear
  61. Elko Lord of the Sea
  62. Tarrok the Blood Spike
  63. Brutus the Hound of Horror
  64. Flaymar the Scorched Blaze
  65. Serpio the Slithering Shadow
  66. Tauron the Pounding Fury
  67. Solak Scourge of the Sea
  68. Kajin the Beast Catcher
  69. Issrilla the Creeping Menace
  70. Vigrash the Clawed Eagle
  71. Mirka the Ice Horse
  72. Kama the Faceless Beast
  73. Skurik the Forest Demon
  74. Targro the Arctic Menace
  75. Slivka the Cold-hearted Curse
  76. Linka the Sky Conqueror
  77. Vermok the Spiteful Scavenger
  78. Koba, Ghoul of the Shadows
  79. Raffkor the Stampeding Brute
  80. Vislak the Slithering Serpent
  81. Tikron the Jungle Master
  82. Falra the Snow Phoenix

Reading Level

What is the reading level of Beast Quest Series?

Analysing the books in the series, we estimate that the reading level of Beast Quest Series is Grade 9.

The easiest book in the series is Nixa the Death Bringer (Beast Quest #19: Amulet of Avantia) at 6th and 7th grade reading level.

The hardest book in the series is Amictus the Bug Queen: Series 5 Book 6 (Beast Quest 30) at 8th and 9th grade reading level.

Beast Quest Series - Books Reading Level

Beast Quest Series - Main Books


Strange things are happening in Tom's village.

Other series related to Beast Quest Series are Beast Quest: The Golden Armor , Beast Quest: The Dark Realm , Beast Quest: The Amulet of Avantia and Beast Quest: The Shade of Death .