There are 9 books in Kushiel's Universe Series and there are 1 ancillary books in related to this series .
Analysing the books in the series, we estimate that the reading level of Kushiel's Universe Series is Grade 7.
The easiest book in the series is Kushiel's Justice (Kushiel's Legacy Book 2) at 6th and 7th grade reading level.
The hardest book in the series is Kushiel's Mercy (Kushiel's Legacy Book 3) at 7th and 8th grade reading level.
Book Title | Reading Level |
Kushiel's Justice (Kushiel's Legacy Book 2) | Grade 7 |
Kushiel's Mercy (Kushiel's Legacy Book 3) | Grade 8 |
The estimated word count of Kushiel's Universe Series is 2,196,350 words.
A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the series in 146 hrs 26 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 244 hrs 3 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 81 hrs 21 mins.
Kushiel's Universe Series - 2,196,350 words | ||
Reading Speed | Time to Read | |
Slow | 150 words/min | 244 hrs 3 mins |
Average | 250 words/min | 146 hrs 26 mins |
Fast | 450 words/min | 81 hrs 21 mins |
for Kushiel's Universe Series
of Kushiel's Universe Series
Please note: This series comprises three trilogies. Each trilogy tells one, long, epic story. It is recommended that you read the entire series in the order published.
Other series related to Kushiel's Universe Series are Kushiel's Legacy , Phèdre's Trilogy , Imriel's Trilogy and Naamah Trilogy .