The Horus Heresy Series

Reading Time

424 hrs 53 mins

How long to read The Horus Heresy Series?

The estimated word count of The Horus Heresy Series is 6,373,218 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the series in 424 hrs 53 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 708 hrs 9 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 236 hrs 3 mins.

The Horus Heresy Series - 6,373,218 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 708 hrs 9 mins
Average 250 words/min 424 hrs 53 mins
Fast 450 words/min 236 hrs 3 mins

6,373,218 words

Word Count

for The Horus Heresy Series

685 hrs 17 mins

Audiobook Length

of The Horus Heresy Series

The Horus Heresy Series - Main Books

Image of False Gods (The Horus Heresy Book 2)
False Gods (The Horus Heresy Book 2)
Audio Book
11 hrs 18 mins

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Image of Fulgrim (The Horus Heresy Book 5)
Fulgrim (The Horus Heresy Book 5)
Audio Book
15 hrs 4 mins

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Image of Mechanicum (The Horus Heresy Book 9)
Mechanicum (The Horus Heresy Book 9)
Audio Book
11 hrs 54 mins

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Image of Betrayer (24) (Horus Heresy)
Betrayer (24) (Horus Heresy)
Audio Book
14 hrs 9 mins

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Image of Scars (The Horus Heresy Book 28)
Scars (The Horus Heresy Book 28)
Audio Book
13 hrs 27 mins

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Image of War Without End (Horus Heresy)
War Without End (Horus Heresy)
Audio Book
16 hrs 10 mins

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Image of Pharos (The Horus Heresy Book 34)
Pharos (The Horus Heresy Book 34)
Audio Book
13 hrs 23 mins

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Image of Corax (The Horus Heresy Book 40)
Corax (The Horus Heresy Book 40)
Audio Book
12 hrs 55 mins

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Image of Old Earth (The Horus Heresy Book 47)
Old Earth (The Horus Heresy Book 47)
Audio Book
12 hrs 40 mins

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Image of Wolfsbane (The Horus Heresy Book 49)
Wolfsbane (The Horus Heresy Book 49)
Audio Book
11 hrs 52 mins

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Led by the Emperor’s superhuman progeny, the primarchs, the vast armies of Earth have conquered the galaxy in the Great Crusade. The Emperor’s elite warriors, the heroic and battle-hardened Space Marines, have smashed all aliens, tyrant despots and traitors into compliance. Gleaming citadels of marble and gold celebrate their many victories.

Other series related to The Horus Heresy Series are Aquaman (2016) , Bequin , Nova (2007) , Titans Hunt and Mera: Queen of Atlantis .