The Matilda Saga by Jackie French

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How many books are in The Matilda Saga by Jackie French ?

There are 9 books in The Matilda Saga by Jackie French.

Reading Level

What is the reading level of The Matilda Saga by Jackie French?

Analysing the books in the series, we estimate that the reading level of The Matilda Saga by Jackie French is Grade 7.

The Matilda Saga by Jackie French - Books Reading Level

Book Title Reading Level
The Last Dingo Summer (The Matilda Saga, #8) Grade 7

Reading Time

72 hrs 39 mins

How long to read The Matilda Saga by Jackie French?

The estimated word count of The Matilda Saga by Jackie French is 1,089,650 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the series in 72 hrs 39 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 121 hrs 5 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 40 hrs 22 mins.

The Matilda Saga by Jackie French - 1,089,650 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 121 hrs 5 mins
Average 250 words/min 72 hrs 39 mins
Fast 450 words/min 40 hrs 22 mins

1,089,650 words

Word Count

for The Matilda Saga by Jackie French

117 hrs 10 mins

Audiobook Length

of The Matilda Saga by Jackie French

The Matilda Saga by Jackie French - Main Books

Image of A Waltz for Matilda (The Matilda Saga, #1)
A Waltz for Matilda (The Matilda Saga, #1)
10 years and up
Audio Book
13 hrs 27 mins

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Image of The Girl from Snowy River (The Matilda Saga, #2)
The Girl from Snowy River (The Matilda Saga, #2)
10 years and up
Audio Book
9 hrs 26 mins

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Image of The Road to Gundagai (The Matilda Saga Book 3)
The Road to Gundagai (The Matilda Saga Book 3)
10 - 11 years
Audio Book
12 hrs 31 mins

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Image of To Love a Sunburnt Country (The Matilda Saga Book…
To Love a Sunburnt Country (The Matilda Saga Book…
10 years and up
Audio Book
16 hrs 3 mins

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Image of The Ghost by the Billabong (The Matilda Saga Book…
The Ghost by the Billabong (The Matilda Saga Book…
12 years and up
Audio Book
14 hrs 59 mins

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Image of If Blood Should Stain the Wattle (The Matilda Sag…
If Blood Should Stain the Wattle (The Matilda Sag…
12 years and up
Audio Book
17 hrs 54 mins

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Image of Facing the Flame (The Matilda Saga, #7)
Facing the Flame (The Matilda Saga, #7)
12 years and up
Audio Book
8 hrs 38 mins

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Image of The Last Dingo Summer (The Matilda Saga, #8)
The Last Dingo Summer (The Matilda Saga, #8)
Grade 7
Audio Book
9 hrs 49 mins

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Image of Clancy of the Overflow (The Matilda Saga, #9)
Clancy of the Overflow (The Matilda Saga, #9)
10 years and up
Audio Book
14 hrs 23 mins

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The story of our country, and a love song to our land, told by the strong women who forged a nation.

Other series related to The Matilda Saga by Jackie French are Wombat , Hitler Trilogy , Miss Lily's Lovely Ladies and Shakespeare .