The Realm of the Elderlings Series

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How many books are in The Realm of the Elderlings Series ?

There are 16 books in The Realm of the Elderlings Series and there are 5 ancillary books in related to this series .

Reading Level

What is the reading level of The Realm of the Elderlings Series?

Analysing the books in the series, we estimate that the reading level of The Realm of the Elderlings Series is Grade 7.

The easiest book in the series is Mad Ship: The Liveship Traders (Liveship Traders Trilogy Book 2) at 4th and 5th grade reading level.

The hardest book in the series is Blood of Dragons: Volume Four of the Rain Wilds Chronicles at 6th and 7th grade reading level.

The Realm of the Elderlings Series - Books Reading Level

Reading Time

273 hrs 28 mins

How long to read The Realm of the Elderlings Series?

The estimated word count of The Realm of the Elderlings Series is 4,101,920 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the series in 273 hrs 28 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 455 hrs 47 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 151 hrs 56 mins.

The Realm of the Elderlings Series - 4,101,920 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 455 hrs 47 mins
Average 250 words/min 273 hrs 28 mins
Fast 450 words/min 151 hrs 56 mins

4,101,920 words

Word Count

for The Realm of the Elderlings Series

441 hrs 4 mins

Audiobook Length

of The Realm of the Elderlings Series

The Realm of the Elderlings Series - Main Books

Image of Royal Assassin (The Farseer Trilogy, Book 2)
Royal Assassin (The Farseer Trilogy, Book 2)
Grade 7
Audio Book
29 hrs 17 mins

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Audio Book
37 hrs 35 mins

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Image of Mad Ship: The Liveship Traders (Liveship Traders …
Mad Ship: The Liveship Traders (Liveship Traders …
Grade 5
Audio Book
33 hrs 57 mins

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Image of Fool's Errand: The Tawny Man Trilogy Book 1
Fool's Errand: The Tawny Man Trilogy Book 1
Grade 7
Audio Book
25 hrs 18 mins

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Image of Dragon Keeper (Rain Wilds Chronicles, Vol. 1): Vo…
Dragon Keeper (Rain Wilds Chronicles, Vol. 1): Vo…
Grade 6
Audio Book
20 hrs 30 mins

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Image of City of Dragons: Volume Three of the Rain Wilds C…
City of Dragons: Volume Three of the Rain Wilds C…
Grade 7
Audio Book
13 hrs 25 mins

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Image of Blood of Dragons: Volume Four of the Rain Wilds C…
Blood of Dragons: Volume Four of the Rain Wilds C…
Grade 7
Audio Book
16 hrs 9 mins

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The Realm of the Elderlings Series - Other Books


Series also known as: * I sei ducati [Italian] * El reino de los Vetulus [Spanish] Some shorter works appearing in this worlds; Words Like Coins in "A Fantasy Medley, two stories appears in the Hobb/Lindholm-collection The Inheritance and it's "Homecoming"(about the first settles in the Rain Wilds) & "The Inheritance"(about a Bingtown trader).

Other series related to The Realm of the Elderlings Series are The Farseer Trilogy , L'Assassin royal , A Saga do Assassino and Vatídico .