Specky Magee and the Best of Oz

Reading Level
9 - 12 years
Time to Read
2 hrs 14 mins

Reading Level

What age is Specky Magee and the Best of Oz suitable for ?

Readers of age 9 - 12 years will enjoy Specky Magee and the Best of Oz.

Reading Time

2 hrs 14 mins

How long to read Specky Magee and the Best of Oz?

The estimated word count of Specky Magee and the Best of Oz is 33,325 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 2 hrs 14 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 3 hrs 43 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 1 hrs 15 mins.

Specky Magee and the Best of Oz - 33,325 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 3 hrs 43 mins
Average 250 words/min 2 hrs 14 mins
Fast 450 words/min 1 hrs 15 mins

More about Specky Magee and the Best of Oz

33,325 words

Word Count

for Specky Magee and the Best of Oz

1 pages

Kindle: 1 pages

3 hours and 35 minutes

Audiobook length


THE CROWD ROARED AS THE BALL ROCKETED INTO THE BACK OF THE NET.SPECKY COLLAPSED ON THE GROUND FEELING USELESS AND HUMILIATED.HE HAD NEVER FELT SO OUT OF HIS DEPTH ON A SPORTING FIELD . . . Specky has been selected to represent Australia in International Rules, taking on the Irish in a two-test competition in Ireland. Can the boys learn to play with a new set of rules and perfect their skills with the round ball before the Irish team wipes the field with them?  And is someone trying to sabotage the Aussie team's chances of winning?  The pressure is on, and to make  matters worse Specky has some serious decisions to make about his future before he returns home . . . This trip to Ireland is no holiday and Specky will have to dig deep to face the biggest challenge of his life!I wish Specky would hurry up and get drafted.The Tigers would love to have him . . . Matthew Richardson Visit www.speckymagee.com.au for more Read more