Tales from the Five Kingdoms: War Drums (The Invisible Kingdoms Book 1)

Tales from the Five Kingdoms: War Drums (The Invisible Kingdoms Book 1) by Pat Bussard O'Keefe
Pat Bussard O'Keefe

More about Tales from the Five Kingdoms: War Drums


Many years ago, under the magic of a blue moon, a truce was signed by the leaders of the Four Faerie Kingdoms. A millennium has passed since the seals of their nations were affixed to the written words of kings and queens, a promise to keep peace among the fae. But, now the energy of the Fifth Kingdom of Mankind begins to seep into the world of the faeries, twisting the minds of some of the leaders of the great royal houses. Tensions are rising between their nations as treachery and treason enter into the great halls of the monarchs. The mystical Karnachia, the war drums that announce great conflicts and wars begin to sound. Soon, the Fifth Kingdom will begin to tremble.