The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories

Reading Level
13 years and up
Time to Read
4 hrs 10 mins

Reading Level

What age is The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories suitable for ?

Readers of age 13 years and up will enjoy The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories.

Reading Time

4 hrs 10 mins

How long to read The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories?

The estimated word count of The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories is 62,310 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 4 hrs 10 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 6 hrs 56 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 2 hrs 19 mins.

The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories - 62,310 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 6 hrs 56 mins
Average 250 words/min 4 hrs 10 mins
Fast 450 words/min 2 hrs 19 mins

More about The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories

62,310 words

Word Count

for The Man with Two Left Feet, and Other Stories

182 pages

Hardcover: 182 pages
Paperback: 105 pages
Kindle: 274 pages

6 hours and 42 minutes

Audiobook length


Notable for the first appearance of P.G Wodehouse’s popular reoccurring characters, Bertie and Jeeves, The Man with Two Left Feet and Other Stories features thirteen funny and sentimental works of short fiction. The first story in the collection, Bill the Bloodhound follows a young detective named Henry Rice, who is in love with Alice, a woman who sings in a chorus. When Alice declines Henry’s marriage proposal, she admits that while she finds Henry sweet, she only wants to marry someone from her profession. Desperate for Alice’s love, Henry gives theater a try. Taking on an interesting perspective, two stories in the collection, The Mixer: He Meets a Shy Gentleman, and The Mixer: He Moves in Society features the narration of a terrier-boxer mix dog, who is incredibly social and observes the behavior of the humans around him. In Extricating Young Gussie, the famed characters Bertie and Jeeves are introduced. When Bertie’s cousin, Gussie, is set on marrying a woman that his mother does not approve of, Bertie’s aunt, Agatha, begs Bertie and Jeeves to convince her son to do otherwise. Finally, the title piece of the collection, The Man with Two Left Feet depicts a sweet and tender love story, following a man named Henry and his wife, Minnie. Though they share a comfortable relationship, Henry fears that he is boring. In attempts to surprise and impress Minnie, Henry, who is a rhythmless man, attempts to learn how to dance. Set in both London and New York, P.G Wodehouse’s The Man with Two Left Feet and Other Stories feature a variety of settings just as it portrays an eclectic mix of protagonists. Crafted with masterful humor and a light-hearted tone, The Man with Two Left Feet and Other Stories remains to be a timeless collection of sentiment and humor. This edition of The Man with Two Left Feet and Other Stories by P.G Wodehouse features a new, eye-catching cover design and is printed in a modern font to accommodate a contemporary audience. Read more