The Tale of Two Sisters (Signature Edition)

More about The Tale of Two Sisters

170 pages

Paperback: 170 pages
Kindle: 168 pages


This is the special Signature Edition of The Tale of Two Sisters by Terence Steele. The Tale of Two Sisters is an inspiring story about two very unique sisters who are both young single mothers. Together, always energetic, strong and optimistic, they meet the daily challenges of urban life in the great city of Chicago. Looking for love, happiness and material success, sometimes in the wrong places, the two sisters still find time for humor, laughter, and always for sisterhood and family togetherness. Their lives are disrupted in a big way one special, mysterious day, when a handsome man, who calls himself an Angel, shows up at their doorsteps (or was it really in their dreams?) Their angelic visitor has come to spread dreadful viruses. Sickness, sadness, struggle, surprises, money, discoveries, awakenings, blessings - and maybe even miracles occur during the weeks that follow in the two sisters' lives.Many readers will also benefit from the blessings they will be reminded of and experience when they read and enjoy this story. The Tale of Two Sisters is a tale that shows the power of healing, peace, and love that emerge when we realize that in each and every one of us there is an Angel and that we can have our own Heaven on Earth. Angels are sometimes disguised as everyday heroes, good samaritans, neighbors, teachers, and even well-wishers. As soon as we begin to understand that we are all connected in one way or another... and begin to truly appreciate the impact we can have on each other's lives, we will begin to walk in the true spirit of Love. We should each take the time to be an Angel to someone else with the intention of doing our part to give back to humanity. As it says in the Lord's Prayer, we need not look to Heaven for Angels... let "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven." Angels - as we never really know yet their true form, can be as close to us as our husband or wife, our mother or father, our children, or even appear as the people who show up at our front door. It is when you are at your worst that an Angel may show up for you and alleviate you of your worries. So, in return, you ought to be an Angel to others in their times of need. An Angel's faithfully hidden appearance keeps us guessing as to whom they may be, but one thing is for sure... that it could be you .. or even maybe me.Always in Love T.S.This Signature Edition includes as a special gift to readers this author's favorite poem "Soul Mates" Read more