Though Not Dead: A Kate Shugak Novel (Kate Shugak Novels Book 18)

Time to Read
9 hrs 15 mins

Reading Time

9 hrs 15 mins

How long to read Though Not Dead: A Kate Shugak Novel (Kate Shugak Novels Book 18)?

The estimated word count of Though Not Dead: A Kate Shugak Novel (Kate Shugak Novels Book 18) is 138,725 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 9 hrs 15 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 15 hrs 25 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 5 hrs 9 mins.

Though Not Dead: A Kate Shugak Novel (Kate Shugak Novels Book 18) - 138,725 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 15 hrs 25 mins
Average 250 words/min 9 hrs 15 mins
Fast 450 words/min 5 hrs 9 mins

More about Though Not Dead: A Kate Shugak Novel

138,725 words

Word Count

for Though Not Dead: A Kate Shugak Novel (Kate Shugak Novels Book 18)

464 pages

Hardcover: 464 pages
Kindle: 461 pages

14 hours and 55 minutes

Audiobook length


The residents of Alaska’s largest national park are stunned by the death of one of their oldest members, eighty-seven-year-old Old Sam Dementieff…Even private investigator Kate Shugak. Sam, a lifelong resident, dubbed the “father” of all of the Park rats—even though he had no children of his own—was especially close to Kate, his niece, but even she is surprised to discover that in his will he’s left her everything, including a letter instructing her simply to, “find my father.”Easier said than done, since Sam’s father is something of a mystery. An outsider, he disappeared shortly after learning about Sam’s existence, taking with him a priceless tribal artifact, a Russian icon. And in the three days after Kate begins her search through Sam’s background, she gets threatened—and worse.The flashbacks from Sam’s fascinating life, including scenes from major events in Alaska’s colorful history, punctuate a gripping story in which Kate does her best to fulfill Sam’s last wish without losing her own life to the people who are following her every move, though what they are searching for Kate doesn’t even know.In Dana Stabenow’s breathtaking new novel, Though Not Dead, the eighteenth to feature Kate Shugak, Kate’s search for the long-lost family secrets that have been interwoven with the epic history of an unforgiving land leads to an extraordinary treasure hunt with fatal consequences.  Read more