Unnatural Issue (Elemental Masters Book 6)

Reading Level
18 years and up
Time to Read
8 hrs 13 mins

Reading Level

What age is Unnatural Issue suitable for ?

Readers of age 18 years and up will enjoy Unnatural Issue .

Reading Time

8 hrs 13 mins

How long to read Unnatural Issue (Elemental Masters Book 6)?

The estimated word count of Unnatural Issue (Elemental Masters Book 6) is 123,225 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 8 hrs 13 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 13 hrs 42 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 4 hrs 34 mins.

Unnatural Issue (Elemental Masters Book 6) - 123,225 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 13 hrs 42 mins
Average 250 words/min 8 hrs 13 mins
Fast 450 words/min 4 hrs 34 mins

More about Unnatural Issue

123,225 words

Word Count

for Unnatural Issue (Elemental Masters Book 6)

368 pages

Hardcover: 368 pages
Kindle: 371 pages

13 hours and 15 minutes

Audiobook length


The sixth novel in Mercedes Lackey's magical Elemental Masters series reimagines the fairy tale Donkeyskin in a richly-detailed alternate Victorian EnglandSusanne Whitestone, an Earth Master magician, had always lived in Whitestone Manor and liked nothing more than to keep the land itself and its animal inhabitants thriving. For the last eleven years, she has had a special teacher in the forest—a powerful fae known only as Robin. Susanne, at twenty-one, doubted any mortal Earth Master could find fault with the practices that Robin taught her.But though Susanne was her father’s only child, she had never set eyes on him, for Richard Whitestone lived as a recluse in a sectioned off wing of the manor. Richard Whitestone was also an Earth Master, but since his beloved wife’s death in childbirth, he had lived a kind of half-life. He hated even the thought of the child who had ended his wife’s life. His own life had withered, and as he had grown bitter, and blighted, so had everything he could see from his windows—the once-beautiful private garden was now as stark and wizened as his heart. But as the years passed, Richard found that there was one thing that gave him solace—the thought, an obsession, that he could bring his Rebecca back to life through necromancy. He would need an appropriate vessel for her spirit, a young woman, preferably one who looked like she did and was approximately the same age that Rebecca has been at the time of her death—twenty-one....and Susanne was the image of her mother. Read more