Women Who BossUp profiles women who have broken the mold to achieve, overcome difficulties or inspire change through relentless endeavor. Hailing from across the globe, diverse walks of life and varied disciplines including STEM, healthcare, finance, coaching and non-profits, "Women Who BossUp" is a welcome companion to any boss or boss in the making. If you need to hear, Come on girl. You got this. You've got it in you to do this. From women you respect, well, this is a book to read.If you need a “girl talk” to believe in yourself again. To BossUp no matter what the situation. Not just pandemics, but abuse and divorce and, homelessness and your own stinking thinking. This book not only honors women, but also empowers all women to boss up in life, no matter what the situation is because other women have done the same. Enjoy and I hope it inspires you in all areas of your life.