Working for Bigfoot

Time to Read
2 hrs 19 mins

Reading Time

2 hrs 19 mins

How long to read Working for Bigfoot?

The estimated word count of Working for Bigfoot is 34,720 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 2 hrs 19 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 3 hrs 52 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 1 hrs 18 mins.

Working for Bigfoot - 34,720 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 3 hrs 52 mins
Average 250 words/min 2 hrs 19 mins
Fast 450 words/min 1 hrs 18 mins

More about Working for Bigfoot

34,720 words

Word Count

for Working for Bigfoot

131 pages

Hardcover: 131 pages
Kindle: 106 pages

3 hours and 44 minutes

Audiobook length


Chicago wizard-for-hire Harry Dresden is used to mysterious clients with long hair and legs up to here. But when it turns out the long hair covers every square inch of his latest client’s body, and the legs contribute to a nine-foot height, even the redoubtable detective realizes he’s treading new ground. Strength of a River in His Shoulders is one of the legendary forest people, a Bigfoot, and he has a problem that only Harry can solve. His son Irwin is a scion, the child of a supernatural creature and a human. He’s a good kid, but the extraordinary strength of his magical aura has a way of attracting trouble.In the three novellas that make up Working For Bigfoot, collected together for the first time here, readers encounter Dresden at different points in his storied career, and in Irwin’s life. As a middle-schooler, in “B Is for Bigfoot,” Irwin attracts the unwelcome attention of a pair of bullying brothers who are more than they seem, and when Harry steps in, it turns out they have a mystical guardian of their own. At a fancy private high school in “I Was a Teenage Bigfoot,” Harry is called in when Irwin grows ill for the first time, and it’s not just a case of mono. Finally, Irwin is all grown up and has a grown-up’s typical problems as a freshman in college in “Bigfoot on Campus,” or would have if typical included vampires.New York Times bestseller Jim Butcher explores the responsibilities of fatherhood and the difficulties of growing up with the elements Dresden Files fans crave—detection, adventure, humor, and magic. Read more