Zombieslayer (Gotrek and Felix Book 12)

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318 pages

Kindle: 318 pages


Pursued by the dark forces of the necromancer Heinrich Kemmler, Gotrek and Felix arrive at Castle Reikgard, where they must hold out against the zombie hordes.The brutality of the siege is unremitting as wave after wave of horrific creatures, led by the undead champion Krell, attempt to take the walls. With supplies running low and morale sinking, the defenders begin to hear terriblewhispers and endure awful nightmares. Suspicion and paranoia run rampant within the castle walls, and the defence seems impossible. Somehow Gotrek and Felix must unite the forces of the Empire against Kemmler's ever-growing legion until help arrives, or will the Slayer find his doom amidst the unrelenting undead? Read it because It's a good old-fashioned base under siege story, with waves of zombies battering against the defences of an ancient castle while mysterious events and deadly rivalries threaten destruction from within… Read more