At Agincourt: A Tale of the White Hoods of Paris

Time to Read
7 hrs 14 mins

Reading Time

7 hrs 14 mins

How long to read At Agincourt: A Tale of the White Hoods of Paris?

The estimated word count of At Agincourt: A Tale of the White Hoods of Paris is 108,500 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 7 hrs 14 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 12 hrs 4 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 4 hrs 2 mins.

At Agincourt: A Tale of the White Hoods of Paris - 108,500 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 12 hrs 4 mins
Average 250 words/min 7 hrs 14 mins
Fast 450 words/min 4 hrs 2 mins
At Agincourt: A Tale of the White Hoods of Paris by G. A. Henty
G. A. Henty

More about At Agincourt: A Tale of the White Hoods of Paris

108,500 words

Word Count

for At Agincourt: A Tale of the White Hoods of Paris

400 pages

Hardcover: 400 pages
Paperback: 207 pages
Kindle: 110 pages

11 hours and 40 minutes

Audiobook length


Unedited, unabridged, original format editions with original colored cover art, these Henty books reproduce the original in careful detail. The story begins in a grim feudal castle in Normandie, on the old frontier between France and England, where the lad Guy Aylmer had gone to join his father's old friend Sir Eustace de Villeroy. The times were troublous and soon the French king compelled Lady Margaret de Villeroy with her children to go to Paris as hostages for Sir Eustace's loyalty. Guy Aylmer went with her as her page and body-guard. Paris was turbulent and the populace riotous. Soon the guild of the butchers, adopting white hoods as their uniform, seized the city, and besieged the house where our hero and his charges lived. After desperate fighting, the white hoods were beaten and our hero and his charges escaped from the city, and from France. He came back to share in the great battle of Agincourt, and when peace followed returned with honor to England.