Black Panther Party RSVP: Huey P. Newton, Black Power Black Pride

Time to Read
1 hrs 30 mins

Reading Time

1 hrs 30 mins

How long to read Black Panther Party RSVP: Huey P. Newton, Black Power Black Pride?

The estimated word count of Black Panther Party RSVP: Huey P. Newton, Black Power Black Pride is 22,475 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 1 hrs 30 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 2 hrs 30 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 0 hrs 50 mins.

Black Panther Party RSVP: Huey P. Newton, Black Power Black Pride - 22,475 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 2 hrs 30 mins
Average 250 words/min 1 hrs 30 mins
Fast 450 words/min 0 hrs 50 mins
Black Panther Party RSVP: Huey P. Newton, Black Power Black Pride by Geoffrey Giuliano
Geoffrey Giuliano

More about Black Panther Party RSVP: Huey P. Newton, Black Power Black Pride

22,475 words

Word Count

for Black Panther Party RSVP: Huey P. Newton, Black Power Black Pride

2 hours and 25 minutes

Audiobook length


Huey Percy Newton was an African-American political activist and Marxist-Leninist revolutionary who, along with fellow Merritt College student Bobby Seale, co-founded the Black Panther Party (1966-1982). Together with Seale, Newton created a 10-point program which laid out guidelines for how the African-American community could achieve liberation.    Edited by Macc Kay Production executive Avalon Giuliano ICON Intern Eden Giuliano  Music by AudioNautix with Their Kind Permission  Geoffrey Giuliano is the author of over 30 internationally best-selling biographies, including the London Sunday Times best seller Blackbird: The Life and Times of Paul McCartney and Dark Horse: The Private Life of George Harrison. He can be heard on the Westwood One Radio Network and has written and produced over 700 original spoken-word albums and video documentaries on various aspects of popular culture. He is also a well-known movie actor.