Bridget Jones á barmi taugaáfalls (Icelandic Edition)

Time to Read
5 hrs 15 mins

Reading Time

5 hrs 15 mins

How long to read Bridget Jones á barmi taugaáfalls (Icelandic Edition)?

The estimated word count of Bridget Jones á barmi taugaáfalls (Icelandic Edition) is 78,585 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 5 hrs 15 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 8 hrs 44 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 2 hrs 55 mins.

Bridget Jones á barmi taugaáfalls (Icelandic Edition) - 78,585 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 8 hrs 44 mins
Average 250 words/min 5 hrs 15 mins
Fast 450 words/min 2 hrs 55 mins

More about Bridget Jones á barmi taugaáfalls

78,585 words

Word Count

for Bridget Jones á barmi taugaáfalls (Icelandic Edition)

288 pages

Hardcover: 288 pages
Kindle: 400 pages

8 hours and 27 minutes

Audiobook length


"130 lbs. (how is it possible to put on 4 pounds overnight? Could flesh have somehow solidified becoming denser and heavier (repulsive, horrifying notion)); alcohol units 2 (excellent) cigarettes 21 (poor but will give up totally tomorrow); number of correct lottery numbers 2 (better, but nevertheless useless)?" This laugh-out-loud chronicle charts a year in the life of Bridget Jones, a single girl on a permanent, doomed quest for self-improvement--in which she resolves to: visit the gym three times a week not merely to buy a sandwich, form a functional relationship with a responsible adult, and not fall for any of the following: misogynists, megalomaniacs, adulterers, workaholics, chauvinists or perverts. And learn to program the VCR. Caught between her Singleton friends, who are all convinced they will end up dying alone and found three weeks later half-eaten by an Alsatian, and the Smug Marrieds, whose dinner parties offer ever-new opportunities for humiliation, Bridget struggles to keep her life on an even keel (or at least afloat). Through it all, she will have her readers helpless with laughter and shouting, "BRIDGET JONES IS ME!" Read more