From Chaos to Cosmos

Time to Read
4 hrs 22 mins

Reading Time

4 hrs 22 mins

How long to read From Chaos to Cosmos?

The estimated word count of From Chaos to Cosmos is 65,410 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 4 hrs 22 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 7 hrs 17 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 2 hrs 26 mins.

From Chaos to Cosmos - 65,410 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 7 hrs 17 mins
Average 250 words/min 4 hrs 22 mins
Fast 450 words/min 2 hrs 26 mins
From Chaos to Cosmos by John Kaniecki
John Kaniecki

More about From Chaos to Cosmos

65,410 words

Word Count

for From Chaos to Cosmos

7 hours and 2 minutes

Audiobook length


A collection of nine short science fiction stories by John Kaniecki.  "Grog Versus Grog" One of the world's fiercest assassins fights his worst foe ever, his clone. Grog is cloned and he wants to kill his clone before his clone kills him.  "ThunderBird"  The Wheel of Life is in spin and the United States government wants to rig the game. ThunderBird is the center of an intense government program. His every breath and heartbeat is monitored as the Native American's mind is manipulated. After all, ThunderBird has a godlike power that whatever he writes down on paper becomes reality.  "Shifting Sands"  A story of an extremely intelligent fool. Walter Gardner is an archaeology student at Earth University. Not only is he super intelligent but he is a hard worker as well. A combination that should spell success turns into ruins as Walter seeks to find the truth in history, and truth is dangerous to a government built on lies.  "The Drones of Venus" The Drones of Venus are the most beautiful ladies of the universe but they come with a high price. Harold Levy is a rich businessman that has everything in life except true love. Thus he covets the marriage of the most beautiful group of ladies ever, The Drones of Venus. Harold's quest brings him to the moon to conduct his illegal business, where he learns a harsh lesson in true love.  "Anarchy in the Year 4020" To be a visionary in a blind world. Planet Earth is doing just fine as long as you don't have any morals! But Michael McGhee and his small anarchist collective plan to change the world with their liberating message. There is certainly anarchy in the year 4020 in more ways than one.  "The Fury of the Sheep" There is corruption at the highest ranks. Ed Nokes shows a remarkable ability to encourage his workers. As such, he gets the attention from his higher-ups in the union. But not only does Ed get inspected but Ed gets a rare glimpse at the upper echelon of the union and sees their betrayal. Thus the union must answer to the "fury of the sheep".