Mozart: The Reign of Love

Time to Read
18 hrs 50 mins

Reading Time

18 hrs 50 mins

How long to read Mozart: The Reign of Love?

The estimated word count of Mozart: The Reign of Love is 282,410 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 18 hrs 50 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 31 hrs 23 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 10 hrs 28 mins.

Mozart: The Reign of Love - 282,410 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 31 hrs 23 mins
Average 250 words/min 18 hrs 50 mins
Fast 450 words/min 10 hrs 28 mins
Mozart: The Reign of Love by Jan Swafford
Jan Swafford

More about Mozart: The Reign of Love

282,410 words

Word Count

for Mozart: The Reign of Love

832 pages

Hardcover: 832 pages

30 hours and 22 minutes

Audiobook length


From the acclaimed composer and biographer Jan Swafford comes the definitive biography of one of the most lauded musical geniuses in history, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.At the earliest ages it was apparent that Wolfgang Mozart’s singular imagination was at work in every direction. He hated to be bored and hated to be idle, and through his life he responded to these threats with a repertoire of antidotes mental and physical. Whether in his rabidly obscene mode or not, Mozart was always hilarious. He went at every piece of his life, and perhaps most notably his social life, with tremendous gusto. His circle of friends and patrons was wide, encompassing anyone who appealed to his boundless appetites for music and all things pleasurable and fun.Mozart was known to be an inexplicable force of nature who could rise from a luminous improvisation at the keyboard to a leap over the furniture. He was forever drumming on things, tapping his feet, jabbering away, but who could grasp your hand and look at you with a profound, searching, and melancholy look in his blue eyes. Even in company there was often an air about Mozart of being not quite there. It was as if he lived onstage and off simultaneously, a character in life’s tragicomedy but also outside of it watching, studying, gathering material for the fabric of his art.Like Jan Swafford’s biographies Beethoven and Johannes Brahms, Mozart is the complete exhumation of a genius in his life and ours: a man who would enrich the world with his talent for centuries to come and who would immeasurably shape classical music. As Swafford reveals, it’s nearly impossible to understand classical music’s origins and indeed its evolutions, as well as the Baroque period, without studying the man himself.