Murder at Queen’s Landing: Wrexford & Sloane Mystery, Book 4

Time to Read
8 hrs

Reading Time

8 hrs

How long to read Murder at Queen’s Landing: Wrexford & Sloane Mystery, Book 4?

The estimated word count of Murder at Queen’s Landing: Wrexford & Sloane Mystery, Book 4 is 119,970 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 8 hrs. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 13 hrs 20 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 4 hrs 27 mins.

Murder at Queen’s Landing: Wrexford & Sloane Mystery, Book 4 - 119,970 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 13 hrs 20 mins
Average 250 words/min 8 hrs
Fast 450 words/min 4 hrs 27 mins
Murder at Queen’s Landing: Wrexford & Sloane Mystery, Book 4 by Andrea Penrose
Andrea Penrose

More about Murder at Queen’s Landing: Wrexford & Sloane Mystery, Book 4

119,970 words

Word Count

for Murder at Queen’s Landing: Wrexford & Sloane Mystery, Book 4

368 pages

Hardcover: 368 pages
Kindle: 325 pages

12 hours and 54 minutes

Audiobook length


The murder of a shipping clerk . . . the strange disappearance of trusted friends . . . rumors of corruption within the powerful East India Company . . . all add up to a dark mystery entangling Lady Charlotte Sloane and the Earl of Wrexford in a dangerous web of secrets and lies that will call into question how much they really know about the people they hold dear—and about each other . . .   When Lady Cordelia, a brilliant mathematician, and her brother, Lord Woodbridge, disappear from London, rumors swirl concerning fraudulent bank loans and a secret consortium engaged in an illicit—and highly profitable—trading scheme that threatens the entire British economy. The incriminating evidence mounts, but for Charlotte and Wrexford, it’s a question of loyalty and friendship. And so they begin a new investigation to clear the siblings’ names, uncover their whereabouts, and unravel the truth behind the whispers.   As they delve into the murky world of banking and international arbitrage, Charlotte and Wrexford also struggle to navigate their increasingly complex feelings for each other. But the clock is ticking—a cunning mastermind has emerged . . . along with some unexpected allies—and Charlotte and Wrexford must race to prevent disasters both economic and personal as they are forced into a dangerous match of wits in an attempt to beat the enemy at his own game.