Son of No One (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 23)

Time to Read
5 hrs 29 mins

Reading Time

5 hrs 29 mins

How long to read Son of No One (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 23)?

The estimated word count of Son of No One (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 23) is 82,150 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 5 hrs 29 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 9 hrs 8 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 3 hrs 3 mins.

Son of No One (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 23) - 82,150 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 9 hrs 8 mins
Average 250 words/min 5 hrs 29 mins
Fast 450 words/min 3 hrs 3 mins

More about Son of No One

82,150 words

Word Count

for Son of No One (Dark-Hunter Novels Book 23)

432 pages

Hardcover: 432 pages
Kindle: 429 pages

8 hours and 50 minutes

Audiobook length


In the New York Times bestseller, Son of No One, part of the blockbuster The Dark-Hunters series by Sherrilyn Kenyon, it's not easy being life's own personal joke, but Josette Landry has made an unstable peace with the beast. Completely down on her luck, Josette takes a job with a local paranormal group as a photographer and camerawoman. Yeah, they're even crazier than she is. The only paranormal thing she believes in is the miracle that keeps her rusted-out hoopty running. But when something truly evil is released into the world, they are forced to call in reinforcements.From the moment Josette meets Cadegan, she knows something about him isn't quite right. Mysterious and armed with lethal sarcasm, he seems a lot older than his age. Centuries ago, Cadegan was viciously betrayed into an immortal prison by the only person he'd ever trusted and was cast into an immortal prison. Forced against his will to do good, he hates everything in life. All he wants is a way out. But for the damned there is only eternal suffering. And yet there is something about Josette that intrigues him. Something he can't seem to fight and the last time he felt this way about a woman, it cost him everything. He knows he has to stay away from her, but the unleashed demon is hell-bent on consuming her soul. If one more innocent is taken, he will be sent back to an unimaginable prison that makes his current hell look like paradise. But how can he keep her safe when his being with her is the greatest threat of all? Read more