The Hope of Elantris (Dramatized Adaptation)

Time to Read
0 hrs 24 mins

Reading Time

0 hrs 24 mins

How long to read The Hope of Elantris (Dramatized Adaptation)?

The estimated word count of The Hope of Elantris (Dramatized Adaptation) is 5,890 words.

A person reading at the average speed of 250 words/min, will finish the book in 0 hrs 24 mins. At a slower speed of 150 words/min, they will finish it in 0 hrs 40 mins. At a faster speed of 450 words/min, they will finish it in 0 hrs 14 mins.

The Hope of Elantris (Dramatized Adaptation) - 5,890 words
Reading Speed Time to Read
Slow 150 words/min 0 hrs 40 mins
Average 250 words/min 0 hrs 24 mins
Fast 450 words/min 0 hrs 14 mins
The Hope of Elantris (Dramatized Adaptation) by Brandon Sanderson
Brandon Sanderson

More about The Hope of Elantris

5,890 words

Word Count

for The Hope of Elantris (Dramatized Adaptation)

38 minutes

Audiobook length


Notes from the author: The following is a short story I wrote in the Elantris world back in January of 2006. At that point, Elantris had only been out in stores for about seven or eight months, but I actually hadn’t written anything new on the story or world since 2000, when I’d finished the first draft of the original book.  There were always a few holes in the manuscript where I decided not to include viewpoints or sections of explanation in the name of streamlining, particularly at the end. In the back of my mind, I knew what happened. This story talks about one of those holes; it is meant to be heard after you’ve finished the novel and takes place during the events of the climax. In the annotation, I’ve written a further explanation of why I wrote this piece. Some of you may find it interesting to hear this ahead of time; I put it in the annotation, however, as I know others would rather enjoy the story without bias beforehand, then hear my thoughts afterward. Either way, if you haven’t listened to Elantris, this contains major spoilers. Might I suggest listening to the book first? This story won’t work at all for you if you haven’t. Performed by Colleen Delany, Kimberly Gilbert, Mort Shelby, James Lewis, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Danny Gavigan, Tracy Olivera, Eric Messner, Nanette Savard, Chris Davenport, Evan Casey, Scott McCormick, Ken Jackson, Timothy Lynch, Thomas Penny, Rose Elizabeth Supan.