The Mystery on the Mississippi

Reading Level
Grade 3 - 7

Reading Level

What is the reading level of The Mystery on the Mississippi?

Readers on Amazon consider it readable at 3 - 7 Grade Level.

What age is The Mystery on the Mississippi suitable for ?

Readers of age 8 - 12 years will enjoy The Mystery on the Mississippi.

More about The Mystery on the Mississippi

256 pages

Hardcover: 256 pages
Paperback: 234 pages


It's anchors away for Trixie as she travels down the Mississippi River. No, it’s not on the old-fashioned paddle-wheel steamship she always dreamed of, but the trip is still more exciting than she ever imagined. Someone is shadowing her every move, trying to steal to the mysterious graph papers Trixie found in a trash can in her hotel room in Memphis. Why are the papers so important? Could there be more to the childish drawings than meets the eye? Read more